Beauty Spots: Miniaturart by Barbara Stamegna
This Barbara Stamegna's artistic flow takes shape with the creation of miniature paintings or miniaturart. What made her start this artistic flow?... Sometimes art isn‘t accessible to all for several reasons. That’s why many people cannot enjoy what art can give: the essence of colors, the underlying emotions and inner suggestions, the flying of imagination and how it takes form, the vibration of the inner soul and the trigging of new positive feelings…that is….emotions which seem to decline and disappear in the nowadays society and with the modern lifestyle.The paintings you find in this collection are made of tempera colors on small size colored cardboards. They represent abstract impressionistic and figurative modern images with subjects of nature or abstract subjects.These miniature paintings or miniaturart, are suitable to be located in all kind of big or small interior spaces and can be easily placed on a table in a frame or hanged on a wall. Moreover, the materials used made possible the creation of miniature paintings with a different saturation of colors that can easily capture the eyes attention.The small size of these paintings make these artworks accessible also economically to everybody.

abstract multicolored swirls: abstract art on multicolored background with pink shades

Abstract orange flower like image with leaves and spots of color on fluid green, yellow and blue background in tones of orange, red, yellow, green and blue colors, with shades.

twisting nature abstraction art: colorful bright image with round shapes and curls

Colored confluence shape abstract image with converging lines and shades of color on purple background in tones of orange, red, blue, purple and white colors

Flower composition abstract image with fluid brushstrokes, lines and round shapes on orange background in tones of orange, red, yellow, fuchsia, blue, purple, black and white colors.

Fluid abstract image with moving orange whirling elements on mottled dynamic background

abstract colorful flower garden modern art composition on orange background with green red shades curls

abstract, abstract art, abstract image, abstract shapes, art, bended lines, blue, floral, flower, green, modern art, nuances, orange, purple, round shapes, shades, white, yellow background

Abstract yellow swirls in bright colors with curls, round shapes and bended lines on yellow background