The paintings you find in this section may have multiple intrepretations according to the viewer's perspective and experience of life, so that the viewer becomes himself/herself the artist. They may be either hanged vertically or horizontally in accordance with the watcher's point of view.
Most of these abstract artworks are realized with oil painting on a base of enamel poured or dripped and smeared on canvas with a knife modified by atmospheric agents, with pieces of clotted enamel or materials of the nature.
Most of these abstract artworks are realized with oil painting on a base of enamel poured or dripped and smeared on canvas with a knife modified by atmospheric agents, with pieces of clotted enamel or materials of the nature.

Abstract ash and ember like composition in gray, white, pink, orange, black, brownish and reddish tones curved shapes and bended lines on tones of gray and pink mottled enamel rough texture background, with nuances

Multicolored oil painted abstract butterfly on circle in purple, white, light and dark blue, yellow, violet, pink and green on black enamel background.

Band of musicians sensation like abstract painting image in blue , white, purple, yellowish, pink, black, brownish tones with curved, geometric and human figures like shapes and bended and geometric lines on tones of blue, dark blue and white mottled enamel background, with nuances.The artwork may have multiple intrepretations according to the viewer's perspective and experience of life,so that the viewer becomes himself/herself the artist.

Abstract image evoking an octopus with bended lines and curved shapes multicolored tentacles like image in red, orange, green, yellow, brown, blue, gray, white oil colors, on creamy white enamel background.

Abstract painting evoking a tepid fall with yellow, green, white, red, orange, brownish leaf and flowers like shapes and branches and lines on pink, white, gray, red, enamel rough texture background, with nuances and shades

White, blue, orange, red, purple tones roundish irregular concentric shapes with a central black hole like figure on black enamel rough texture background, with nuances.The artwork may have multiple intrepretations according to the viewer's perspective and experience of life,so that the viewer becomes himself/herself the artist.

Abstract orient impressions like image with blue, green, purple floating shapes and bent floating lines on blue, white, green water like mottled enamel background

creamy white, light blue, dark blue, white, fluid colored cave like artwork with nuances, lines and shades.

Blue and red floating abstract shapes on white background with pink and blue shades.The artwork may have multiple intrepretations according to the viewer's perspective and experience of life,so that the viewer becomes himself/herself the artist.

Bright orange and red floating shapes on watery like enamel background with blue and white fluid shades.

high contrast painting in yellow, white, orange, brownish, pink, green, red, blue and light blue bending lines on black spotted enamel rough texture background, with nuances and shades.The artwork may have multiple intrepretations according to the viewer's perspective and experience of life,so that the viewer becomes himself/herself the artist.

Lilac, purple, yellow tones flower like shapes and green leaves like forms on creamy white enamel and mottled colorful background with green, yellow, purple and blue shades

yellow lines and geometric shapes and curls in yellow dominant image with shades and tones of yellow.

Violet, light blue, blue, white, fluid floating shapes and lines on violet, red, black, pink, creamy white, enamel background, with nuances and shades

Peach, red, white, blue tones abstract plants/branches like image with bended and geometric lines and curved shapes with curls on white, blue, peach mottled colorful enamel background.The artwork may have multiple intrepretations according to the viewer's perspective and experience of life,so that the viewer becomes himself/herself the artist.

Gray and black rose garden like geometric and curved shapes and lines on pink, white, red and gray enamel background

High contrast fluid curled abstract shape in violet, purple, dark red, orange, yellow, brownish, pink, white on black enamel background.

Blue, green, light blue and light green, brownish flower and leaf like shapes and lines on light blue, white, light green, creamy white enamel background.

Blue, light pink, white tones flowers, leaves, plants and branches like floating shapes with irregular bended lines on mottled, colorful water surface like enamel background in blue, green and white tones shades and nuances.